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About Us

CMC有一个三管齐下的方法来创建一个更健康的克肖县. 我们为克肖县无力看病的人提供直接医疗服务. 我们也明白,医疗保健并不是一个人过上健康生活的唯一因素, 因此,我们孜孜不倦地帮助个人获得所需的社区资源. And finally, 我们正在通过我们的Livewell Kershaw联盟带头改善人口健康.



Direct Medical Services

The Community Medical Clinic is a family practice free clinic serving as a medical home to the uninsured and underserved of Kershaw County. 必要时,可将患者转介给社区专家. We also operate Access Kershaw 在卢戈夫,有埃尔金图书馆的远程医疗服务,还有四个 School-Based Health Centers 在卡姆登和卢戈夫-埃尔金高中以及北中央中学和高中. In addition to our nurse practitioners, CMC also offers chiropractic services, diabetes education, and breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings. 我们也可以推荐与我们合作的供应商. These specialties include surgery, urology, nephrology, pulmonology, dermatology, breast specialist, gastroenterology, endocrinology, cardiac surgery, pathology, radiology, and emergency dental care.

Connecting Resources

Access Kershaw, a Duke Endowment 倡议,帮助个人导航迷宫的医疗保健. Community Care Coordinators and Community Health Workers with Access Kershaw connects people in need of medical, dental, vision, 以及当地医疗服务提供者和资源的精神保健.

Our Transitional Care program is a partnership with MUSC Kershaw where CMC staff connects with uninsured hospital patients to help them connect with resources they may need after being discharged, 例如与CMC执业护士的后续预约.

Improving Population Health

美好生活始于整个社区的健康. This is the premise fueling the Livewell Kershaw Coalition (LWK), 这是一项由BC菠菜导航牵头、由“健康人”资助的倡议, Healthy Carolinas (an initiative of The Duke Endowment), and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement as a SCALE 2.0 community. LWK was founded by a group of community members interested in using data to guide action aimed at addressing the health issues faced by the residents of Kershaw County. Today, LWK致力于促进各年龄段公民之间的合作, working in partnership with public and private sector organizations and schools to increase community awareness of health issues. The goal is to improve access to quality healthcare and encourage the people of Kershaw County to take ownership of the health of the whole county, 共同行动,减少社区成员的慢性疾病和肥胖.



Our Mission




Our Vision

A healthier Kershaw County where individuals and communities are empowered to take charge of their own health and well-being.




Our Strategic Plan

Our History

20th Anniversary Dinner
20th Anniversary Dinner

我们的历史是一个社区团结起来改善生活的独特故事, renew hope and prevent disease. 我们的工作人员、志愿者和支持者都有一个共同点. They lead from within. These individuals have a passion for our mission, and for more than two decades, that shared passion has allowed the Community Medical Clinic to provide innovative healthcare to the uninsured and underserved residents of Kershaw County. 


What started with one doctor, a part-time director, and a lot of hard work has evolved into a healthcare organization that not only provides direct medical services, 同时也在实施改善人口健康的创新解决方案. 


Thanks to successful partnerships, intelligent business decisions, our volunteer base, and community-based financial support, CMC提供各种项目和专业,帮助患者过上健康的生活.

Corporate Sponsors

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